The project is go!

I am so excited to announce that the piece is going to happen for sure now, since the crowdfunding campaign has met its goal! However, as I said on the front page, donations are still accepted, if you’re just tuning in (and every little bit still helps support the work of making this new music and concert a reality).

Anyway, I’m now hard at work getting my 4-movement piece in order, as well as the 5 pop tunes that I’m arranging for the concert. I’m finding I am using production skills from my film/tv music work quite a bit to create rough drafts of everything. This means that the drafts are pretty expressive and realistic, because they can be based on my performance with both digital orchestra sounds and real violins. I’m discovering all over again how useful it is to start with something that has a good, expressive and nearly realistic sound. And I have an inclination to finish these recordings and release them, so the project will go even a bit farther than the one performance. Maybe I’ll do just that, if all goes well!

It could also happen that a local high school will decide to play the first movement. I have been hoping I will eventually find more opportunities for the piece to be performed and already this is something, even if it’s just an idea at this point.




Sample the first two themes…